Configuring Your Instance

There are two layers of configuration for Eludris instances, .env which is used for mostly deployment logic such as ports, database URIs and such, or Eludris.toml which is used to actually customise the behaviour of your instance’s outward-facing APIs like rate limits and whatnot.

The eludris/eludris meta repository comes with examples for both .env and Eludris.toml in the form of .env.example and ExampleEludris.toml, all you have to do is rename them to their respective names and add whatever configuration is required in Eludris.toml.



Here’s the example .env file found in the repository.

ELUDRIS_CONF = Eludris.toml # the path to your configuration file
REDIS_URL = redis://
DATABASE_URL = mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/eludris

# Don't forget to also change the ports in the docker-compose.yml

# oprish

# pandemonium

# effis


Here’s the example Eludris.toml file found in the repository.

# Make sure to copy this file into `Eludris.toml`

# You can uncomment the sections that you want and change their config values,
# this is just the defaults.

instance_name = "" # This is required, has to be over 0 characters long.

# Optional instance description, can be from 1 to 2048 characters long.
#description = ""

# With rate limits, reset_after is the number of seconds between every bucket reset.

#message_limit = 2048 # The maximum message content length.
url = "" # This instance's Oprish url

#[oprish.rate limits]
#info = { reset_after = 5, limit = 2}
#message_create = { reset_after = 5, limit = 10}
#rate limits = { reset_after = 5, limit = 2 }

url = "" # This instance's Pandemonium url
#rate limit = { reset_after = 10, limit = 5}

#file_size = "20MB" # The maximum file size for all the assets
#attachment_file_size = "100MB" # The maximum file size for the attachment bucket
url = "" # This instance's Effis url

# Effis rate limits are special, you're not only limited by how many requests per
# bucket reset, but also by how big the files you upload are, so assuming a rate limit
# with a limit of 5 and a file_size_limit of 10MB, I can either upload 1 10MB file
# (if the effis.file_size allows so) or for example 5 2MB files, after either of
# which I get rate limited.

#[effis.rate limits]
# The rate limit for all buckets besides the attachments one, these buckets are
# stuff like avatars, guild icons, etc.
#assets = { reset_after = 60, limit = 5, file_size_limit = "30MB"}
#attachments = { reset_after = 180, limit = 20 file_size_limit = "500MB" }
# This is a normal rate limit
#fetch_file = { reset_after = 60, limit = 30 }